Reishiki refers to dojo etiquette.

Because the school of iai taught at the Tensho Dojo is a do (way), it is considered as all-encompassing and developing all aspects of the student, including behaviour and deportment. Traditional forms of samurai etiquette are therefore practiced at all times, with more formalised elements included for examinations. Standard rules are as follows:
Shoes must be removed before entering the dojo.

You must perform a standing bow (ritsurei) when entering and leaving the dojo – the bow is always directed at the kamiza (literally “deity seat” whether represented as an actual shrine or figuratively the “front” (shomen) of the dojo). To enter all members should use shimo no ashi (i.e. after bowing, enter the dojo with the foot considered furthest from the kamiza). To leave, all should use kami no ashi (turning away with the foot considered nearest the kamiza).

Prior to and at the end of each training session, the dojo bows as a whole with all members facing the teacher taking the session. Unless physically prohibited, this is performed in the seated position on the knees (za rei). The senior dojo member below the teacher first calls “rei” (bow) and all members place both hands on the floor and bow whilst saying “onegaishimasu” (please teach me). This same ritual is repeated at the end of the lesson except that while bowing instead of onegaishimasu students thank the teacher by saying “arigato gozaimashita” (thank you for what we have had).

You must request permission to leave the training area during a practice session and, on your return, wait to be invited before resuming training.

If you arrive late for a training session, change quickly, enter and make a formal bow, then wait to be invited on to the training area. If you are finished training before the session ends, make your formal bow to the sensei in charge of the session.

When wishing to ask a question, the approach should be made to only to the teacher taking the session.